Monday, May 16, 2011

Highs and Lows

Katie of CrossFit Invictus
With less than 50 days until our wedding day I am looking forward to seeing our friends and family come together to celebrate our love.  However, I don't think I am alone in this, but this crunch time has got to be the most stressful time in my life.  I'm wrapping up the semester (my worst scholastic performance yet) while trying to think up all the little things I haven't considered doing yet for the big day.  On top of this, Nick and I are both putting in more hours at work and our bank accounts are PRing in debit transactions.

Our wedding day has been planned to exude a comfortable, laid back atmosphere and so far I have felt the same way about the planning process.  From invites to attire to wedding cake I have left many of the decisions to the professionals and greatly appreciate being relieved of having to choose fabrics, colors, and salt and pepper shakers.

With all this stress I know the one thing I should be doing is throwing weight around.  It clears my mind and gives me the confidence to tackle any obstacle thrown at me (including flowers).  But like most of us, the gym falls short on the list of priorities.  I made the very difficult decision to forgo the box during the month of May.  Saying I am not wodding, lifting, sweating for a month is simply put depressing.  This is especially true now, when my physical appearance will be documented by photographers in just a few short weeks.

What's a girl with limited funds and time to do with her deteriorating muscles?  Well, I've graciously accepted the offer to use my friends gym in her building.  It has one bar, 300# of bumper plates, no locks, and no dropping.  But I have been able to put together some short body weight/light weight wods for myself.  If nothing else the act has improved my self-esteem while I'm at this low in my CF "career".  Happy wodding in and out of the box!


  1. take out a personal loan. pay it off when you're both rich public school teachers

  2. Can we go to bank Gregarious? They usually don't give broke college students loans.
