Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Do I look fat in this dress?

Days til the big day: 124

One of my biggest wedding day concerns has been fiitting into my dress.  This is a difficult issue to deal with since I LOVE my growing muscles and don't want to lose them.  Actually, my CF brain really doesn't want to lose any weight or muscle.  But I feel the pressure to ensure I don't need my b'maids to have Orlando strength to zip me up on the big day.  Oh and there is the dreaded "back crack" to be concerned with.  And that is a major no no.  So, I think I've resigned myself to staying committed to working out as much as possible, doing my best to stay strict paleo and crossing my fingers thaat the top can be taken out a bit. 

Will this get me to a size 4?  Probably not, but I've never been a size 4 and my dress is not a size 4 either.  That is something I have accepted. I've been pretty much every size from 6 to 14.  I am a very happy 6, because I know that where my bod likes to be.  I wasn't even a size 6 in high school, or middle school for that matter.  But a size 6 at 140-145# seems just right.  CrossFit is like autocorrect for those stats.  I put a few pounds on over winter and start running 400m in my warm up and the weight is gone.

I'm not even really sure why I'm obsessing about this issue.  I've been CrossFitting for almost 3 years now and I've not met a "bulky" CF gal.  At my peak performance (which is not now), I was lean and toned and looked amazing.  And I did that the same way I'm doing it now.  So, Sarah get over it!  Eat better, workout harder, and shut up!


  1. Did you already buy your dress, I take it? It's a matter of still being able to fit into it?

  2. yeah. The last time I tried it on it was a lil snug and caused back crack. I have no fat on my back so I simply shoved all of my skin to either side of my spine . Not sexy!
